Friday, June 17, 2011

Lake Manyara Tree Lodge Day Two - June 17

Joint blog here. Awesome morning. Adam brought our coffee and tea to our rooms. Armed with our binoculars and cameras we embarked on our private safari. Within 5 minutes we met a large elephant blocking our path on the road. We filmed and photographed him from a distance of about 20 feet. Just at the moment AE turned off her camera he took a half step backwards, began waving his trunk vigorously and then took 2.5 very quick steps towards the jeep, stopping only about 1 meter away from the front of the car, scaring Emily to death. She literally had visions of his trunk knocking the jeep over and her mom being really mad she got herself killed. Just yesterday on the phone her mother told her that elephants are not friendly. Even if they look nice. (But she is also afraid of Ben the dog so we took no heed. As usual, she was right.) Our ranger Malley spent the rest of the day imitating Emily saying "Oh my God." Apparently this happens all the time. We simply quickly backed up a few meters and waited for the elephant to move so we could continue our safari. It was called a "mock charge".

Our next encounter was a group of about seven giraffes, all men. Two of them were having an argument. We don't know about what. They fight by winding up and swinging their necks and each other, making a loud thud as they strike each other with their horns. Quite interesting but looked painful.

Then we stopped for a picnic breakfast at a hot springs where the water can be up to 60 degrees C. While we were testing the water temperature with our fingers, Malley was setting up our breakfast table. The usual fare. Delicious but AE was afraid to put anything in her stomach that might come out instantly liquid. She has been having some trouble. (Based on Emily's experience in Thailand, she is now treating it with shots of liquor.)

Back in the jeep to continue our adventure. Soon we spotted three hippos out of the "water" with two more walking over to join them. Upon closer inspection we realized there were 43 more wallowing in the thick nasty mud ("water"). They were pretty neat, blowing bubbles and such.

When we got back, Emily tried to have a nap but was a bit scared of all the noises. She thought she heard an elephant outside of her room. So she invited AE over to read on her deck and keep guard. Not an effective idea. (first AE had to wait for Adam to deliver her drink.) As soon as AE arrived she spotted the elephant just on the other side of Emily's outdoor shower and became very excited, ruining any prospect for a nap. So we are now sitting and enjoying drinks and the sounds of elephants and baboons and monkeys and birds on Emily's balcony as we wait for lunch.

Make sure your speakers are on!
It was taken from my deck right in front of my room!
Click here!


  1. you go you go you......amazing!!!!!

  2. All your encounters with elephants, etc. sure would scare the ..... out of you. Maybe that's having an effect on AE!!!
    What a trip you are having - thanks for sharing all your experiences.

