Monday, July 11, 2011

Windhoek, Namibia Bound!

This will be the last you hear of me for some time....I'm flying to Windhoek, Namibia today to start my two week program with the N/a'an ku se Conservation, working on their wildlife orphanage project. I'm not expecting to have any Internet for two weeks, but will try to get into town next weekend to let you all know I haven't been mauled by a lion. (really, don't worry. I will continue to be fine.)

I don't have a ton of details on what I will be doing, but I was told my daily activities will include food preparation, hand feeding the Meerkats and baboons, cleaning animal enclosures (yuck), walking the Caracals (don't even know what those are), taking the baboons on forest walks so they can practice foraging and get exercise, and sleeping overnight with the five baby baboons who are too small to stay alone. I'll also help build new enclosures for any new animals we get, and I think possibly educating school kids and farmers on the importance of conservation.

The types of animals they have varies, but I'm expecting caracals, cheetahs, baboons, lions, wild dogs, leopards, meerkats, and farm animals! I'll likely be sharing a room with two other women, so I guess I will make friends very quickly, haha!

That's all I've got for you for now! Psyching myself up for the drive-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-road to the airport!

Here's the link to the sanctuary!

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