Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Introducing..."Auntie Em"

Hi….well, “auntie em” here!  My first guest-blogger experience…..ever!  Haven’t left for the big adventure yet….it is only Tuesday, still lots to do before I go….but I felt I should put in an appearance on this blog!  As you may know, Emily (little Emily, that is) is taking a different flight than I am, so the next time I see her, we’ll be in Nairobi !!

I can already tell it’s going to be a confusing vacation with Emily & Emily….so in order to avoid having a few countries in Africa refer to me as “BIG” Emily, I think I’ll just adopt the “auntie em” moniker right up front….seems a lot more flattering, don’t you think?

I too am having adventures just packing for this trip in a medium-sized duffle bag….Emily’s advice was to stuff in all I can….but I think I will avoid my usual tendency to overpack, and we’ll see what happens!  In most of our camps, our butler will be doing our laundry (can you believe that!?), but they don’t use electric clothes dryers in Africa, so we will be dependent on the desert breezes to dry our I’m going to be heavy on the socks and underwear, and light on everything else.  I mean, anyone who’s seen Forest Gump knows that the most important thing is to keep your feet dry!!

I’m also packing a giant bag of first aid supplies….unlike Emily, who can’t understand why she is packing a first aid kit – I can totally visualize the scrapes and scratches I might get!  (and I’m not the one that’s going to end up rescuing injured animals at the end of my trip!)…..I will be passing all my extra supplies over to her when we say goodbye at the end of June.

Lot of last-minute things to do….the hardest thing will be to leave Yak and BenE…the picture is the Florida vacation I gave up to do this Africa trip…..but I’m sure it will be amazing!!!

Auntie Em, Guest Blogger

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