Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wilson airport, Nairobi - Saturday June 11

Joint blog this time!! We are waiting for our safari link flight to Bateleur camp. We have our boarding cards...check these out!

No seat number no gate no time!! A very nice lady came over and told us we would be delayed by one the company would pay for drinks and snacks. Just what we need....we are both stuffed from our amazing breakfast! Emily of course took a picture of her plate....a strange traveling habit she has developed. I think it is from traveling alone so much. The hotel was great...comfy beds, nice bathroom, etc.

I forgot to mention re our upcoming flight ... We are the second stop...our driver (Moses) told us to make sure to stay on our 13-seater until the second stop, and to make sure our luggage stayed on with us!

So for now we are relaxing in the airport...!

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