Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lake Manyara - June 16

A 20 minute flight took us to the edge of Lake Manyara. We took a leisurely drive through 45 km of park, stopping for a great picnic and to enjoy elephants, giraffes, baboons, many different birds, and unique species of antelope. At the other end of the park we arrived at our lodge, the Lake Manyara Tree Lodge. Rain has been light this year ("only a few small drops") and the lake is only a quarter of it's typical size. I think this has changed the look and feel of the park quite a bit; we could hardly see the flamingos through our binoculars.

Our rooms are once again amazing, and we both enjoyed outdoor showers to the sounds of baboons fighting and birds chirping. Looking forward to two more game drives tomorrow! The landscape is very different here - mostly forest with some plains thrown in around the lake.


  1. It looks SOOOOO nice!!!!!!

  2. Fantastic pictures and services. You'll be spoiled when you come home!!!
